La Chistera Producciones

Magic vs Science

More than 200 performances in 2022

Magic vs Science is a show born in the magic laboratories of La Chistera Producciones with the aim of promoting knowledge and culture in an interactive, fun and theatrical way to children and adolescents. Viewers will find themselves in the middle of a titanic struggle. On the one hand, an eccentric magician will try to demonstrate that the art of magic, to which he has dedicated his entire life, is much more valuable than the art of science, to which his partner and vital opponent is dedicated: the mad scientist. . However, the latter will not give in and will put all his effort into proving that the magician is totally wrong, as well as that science is much more surprising and impressive than magic.
During this duel different illusory effects will be shown followed by reasoning or a scientific cause. All this from the rules of magic and the laws of science.

A multidisciplinary show. Because? Stay tuned:

As for magic, it totally captures our attention thanks to the illusion


Technical data

Children’s and family magic.
Destined for Primary Education
Marco the Allusionist and the Magician Álvaro Molero
Marco Pernas and Álvaro Molero (La Chistera Producciones)
Álvaro Molero (La Chistera Producciones)
60 minutes
"Muy divertido y original. Lo pasamos fenomenal."
"Mi sobrina y yo encantadas"
"Muy divertido e interesante!!"
"Muy entretenido y súper recomendable!"

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